Wednesday, 28 February 2018
It's Too Darn Hot!
So, this morning I was making my mom a pot of tea.
I boil the water and pour it into the waiting carafe, and five minutes later mom starts to pour a cup, and the water is clear. Seriously, I didn't put a tea bag in the pot ... first time ever, I think.
So, we laugh, and I pour the water from the carafe back into the kettle, boil it again, put a bag in the carafe, pour in the water and set the carafe on my island to steep ... and, of course, I got busy and forgot about it.
An hour later, I finally notice the carafe and decide to remove the tea bag before leaving the pot with mom; and, somehow I manage to drop the spoon into the carafe, which luckily doesn't break, but now I can't get the spoon out because IT'S TOO DARN HOT IN THERE!
At this point, I wonder briefly if I might be getting old, before I remember that it's more likely I'm sleep deprived; so, I take a deep breath; and, we laugh again.
I use a second spoon to remove the tea bag from the pot and mom finally gets her cup of tea ... but, the carafe is still holding the first spoon hostage.
2018 Published