Tuesday, 9 January 2018

The 60 Year Milestone

My First Photograph
Held by a Nurse - At 2-days-old
The Camera Flash Reflected on the Window Glass
Through Which my Dad Took the Picture

I woke up this morning, having reached the 60 year milestone; and, I initially found it a tough age to accept.

This birthday, though a long time coming, simply arrived before I was ready - before I could achieve many life goals, to my own satisfaction. My unfinished "bucket list," so-to-speak, includes: 
  • Completing the BA I began long ago
  • Finding myself, life's-work-wise
  • Owning more of my house than the bank
  • Mastering the piano and ukelele
  • Writing a great Canadian novel, and
  • Acquiring a few stamps in my passport

I was born 60 years ago today at the Salvation Army Grace Hospital in our nation's capital. My dad always said I was the most expensive thing he ever bought at the Salvation Army. Mom and I spent a week in hospital - as was the custom back then - during which, my first photograph (above) was taken. It was an inauspicious beginning that eventually resulted in:
  • The first High School graduate in one branch of my family
  • A successful marriage, not once but twice
  • Three special children and four treasured grandchildren
  • Certificates for Fashion Design and Writing For Publication
  • Second place in an international fashion design contest, and
  • Oft published in local papers; and, in Reader's Digest, thrice

This taking stock - the listing of my accomplishments - certainly helps counteract the negativity of the bucket list and the unwelcome reality that I'm closer to the end than I am to the beginning, these days. It also brings me consolation through the following four positives:
  • I'm happily married to a supportive and loving guy
  • The elusive BA is neither time-sensitive nor essential
  • I'm still moving forward, so anything is possible, and
  • Not all great destinations reside in a passport

So, here's to my next milestone - whenever and whatever it might be! Since I can't keep birthdays from coming, I'll work on accepting them gracefully. After all, now that I think about it, there's usually cake!