Saturday, 1 July 2017
150 Years
This Canada Day, the 150th anniversary of our country's confederation, friends and neighbours gathered for a 5th annual street party and fireworks display.
For years we had celebrated Victoria Day with a neighbourhood fireworks send up, until someone wisely suggested that we might find the weather better more often in July.
This year's big day was the first since the date switch that we've had to contend with a two-hour rain delay. But, we didn't let that stop the festivities.
Games and music started mid-afternoon, before Doug and I had to nip out to fulfill our part-time work commitments. When we returned, the rain had stopped; so, the games continued while the barbeque was fired up for hamburgs and hotdogs to go with the pot-luck salads, munchies and desserts.
With dusk, came the much anticipated fireworks display and sparklers for the children to cap off another fun neighbourhood Canada Day celebration.
This year's party was extra-special for me because all of my three daughters were in attendance, something that doesn't happen every year. I'm happy we were able to get a photo of the four of us together on the occasion of Canada's 150 years as a country.
I'm also glad we have such great neighbours, with whom we can spend quality time, whether it's a special occasion or not.
Happy 150th Canada!
2017 Published