Thursday, 20 April 2017

Lost and Found

The other day, the remote start for my husband's van went missing. I know I had it on the Saturday when I locked the van after an outing, but I'd carried the fob on my keyring during various other excursions in my own car for several days before discovering the loss.

Fearing that an expensive replacement loomed in our future, we searched high and low: in our vehicles, the driveway, the garden and the house. I even made an effort to call a few stores I'd visited to see if the fob had been turned in.

Eventually, I found myself in the parking lot of the grocery store I'd shopped in the previous day. Not seeing the remote on the ground anywhere, I was just turning to leave when I noticed something small and black sitting up on the concrete base of a light standard. You can imagine my delight, when upon closer inspection I discovered the "something" to be the remote I had lost.

I took the picture posted here and sent it with the good news in a text message to my husband. His response back was an emphatic, "Wow!"

How lucky we were that some forward thinking stranger not only found the van's remote starter but also placed it out of harm's way and visible, in anticipation of the owner's eventual return.

For that simple act of kindness, we are most grateful.