On my first birthday, I put out my candle with my fingers ... ouch! My 20th birthday brought tears, when I realized I was no longer a teenager ... silly girl! I threw a potluck get-together at home, with all my favourite ladies in attendance, to mark my 50th birthday milestone ... a real treat!
This year, I guessed my birthday would be not much different than an ordinary day; after all, I'm not really celebrating a significant year. It's been my experience that birthdays rarely go as planned when high expectations get in the way, so I've been trying to keep this one low-key.
To begin with, I've baked my own cupcakes … chocolate amaretto cake with chocolate cherry butter-cream icing. Add to that, some well wishes from family and friends, a simple dinner and a Scene Points movie with my honey, and this lady will be a happy birthday girl.
I would like to say a special thank you to my husband for the surprise bouquet of lovely flowers, and for renewing my license sticker for me: He's a keeper, as are all my friends and family who helped to make my birthday special, in a low-key-birthday kind of way.